Monday, September 14, 2020

Keto Diet



If you’re looking to lose fat then you have to try this brand new custom keto meal plan.
To create this service, certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs united to develop keto meal plans that are effective, convenient, cost-efficient, and enjoyable.
Since their launch in January 2019, hundreds of clients have already transformed their figure and health with the benefits a proper keto diet can offer.
Speaking of benefits: in this email, you’ll discover eight scientifically-proven ones offered by the keto diet.
Benefit #1: the keto diet can help you obtain (and maintain!) a healthy weight
The keto diet is excellent for losing fat and keeping it off. For example, a meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials concluded that:
“Individuals assigned to a VLCKD [very low carbohydrate ketogenic diet] achieve a greater weight loss than those assigned to an LFD [low-fat diet] in the long term; hence, a VLCKD may be an alternative tool against obesity.”[1]
What’s more, randomized controlled trials found that the keto diet produces up to three times as much weight loss as a high-carb, low-fat diet.[2-3]
In other words, if you want to lean down but are sick and tired of failing your weight loss attempts, the keto diet may be the key to a slim figure.
Benefit #2: the keto diet boosts brain function
When going keto, most people experience an improvement in their brain function and mental clarity.[4-5]
The keto diet supports your brain in various ways and for various reasons. A major reason is that ketosis enhances mitochondrial functioning. [6]
Researchers believe ketosis stimulates the formation of new mitochondria in your brain, especially in your hippocampus. [7] This aids your mental clarity, memory, and energy levels.
Benefit #3: the keto diet can help manage or even reverse diabetes
Many studies show minimizing carb intake benefits people with diabetes. In fact, the keto diet was the standard diabetes treatment before the discovery of injectable insulin. [8-9]
Consider the following:
Research published in Annals of Internal Medicine found that when type 2 diabetics went low-carb for two weeks, they improved insulin sensitivity by up to 75%. [10]
And another study involving 21 individuals with type 2 diabetes found that seven of them could stop their diabetes medication within 16 weeks of going keto. [11]
Benefit #4: the keto diet reduces heart disease risk
While saturated fat and cholesterol are often alleged to clog arteries, these compounds do not cause heart disease. [12-14]
That’s good news for keto dieters because this eating style loads up on high-fat foods such as eggs, nuts, and bacon.
In fact, the keto diet reduces heart disease risk for four main reasons. The keto diet: [15-18]
ü Stimulates weight loss
ü Elevates levels of the “good” HDL cholesterol
ü Decreases blood triglycerides levels
ü Reduces blood pressure
Benefit #5: the keto diet boosts mental well-being
The keto diet benefits various mental disorders and conditions. For example, research shows the keto diet: [19-22]
ü Has an antidepressant effect
ü Improves the behavior of children with autism
ü May stabilize mood in bipolar disorder patients
ü Has cured one case of schizophrenia
Benefit #6: the keto diet can be therapeutic for various neurological diseases
These include Alzheimer’s, ALS, Parkinson’s disease, infantile spasms (West syndrome), and epilepsy. [23-26]
Benefit #7: the keto diet may prevent and fight some types of cancer
Most cancer cells rely on glucose as fuel, which is why keto diets may help prevent and fight the disease.
For instance, when in-vitro cancer cells only receive ketones and fat for energy, they often die. [27]  Plus, various studies show the keto diet helps fight brain cancer. [28-29]
Benefit #8: the keto diet can improve gut health and bowel disorders
Many bowel diseases are the result of gut pathogens and infections, both of which rely on glucose for energy.
By minimizing your carb intake, you stave off these infections and pathogens. That’s how going keto diet can improve gut health and treat bowel disease.

Impressive, don't you agree?  And if you're ready to reap the benefits, you can get your customized keto meal plan for the price of just three movie tickets
here to get a discount Initiate a better life and better physical health. If you really want, Click Hire


      1. Keto Beer

Our “Done For You” keto meal plans are completely customized based on your food prefences and weight loss goals.

 Start  Creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet. 🙂⠀

Beers while on keto? Here are a few ones you can drink and still stay on keto. Remember, these are still alcohol and must be consumed in moderation. Also, alcohol is not good for the liver, as you know, and if you want to stay maximally healthy, it is always best to avoid liquor and stick to nutrient dense extra-curricular vegetables and fruits for splurges.

Greens Trailblazer - 0.5 net carbs

Rolling Rock Green Light - 2.6g Net Carbs

Miller 64 - 2.5 Net Carbs

Budweiser Select 55 - 1.9 Net Carbs

Michelob Ultra - 2.6 Net Carbs

Busch Light - 3.2 Net Carbs


2. Energy Drinks

Our “Done For You” keto meal plans are completely customized based on your food prefences and weight loss goals.

  Start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet. 🙂⠀⠀

Got used to consuming energy drinks? Here are some keto-friendly options you might want to try when you must drink some. But remember, it’s better if you want to avoid them totally!

·         Red Bull Total Zero - 0g Net Carbs

·         Zevia Zero Calorie Energy Drink - 1.9g Net Carbs

·         GURU Lite Natural Energy Drink - 4g Net Carbs

·         Rockstar Pure Zero - < 0.5 Net Carbs

·         Rockstar Zero Carb - 0g Net Carbs

·         Monster Energy Zero Ultra -2g Net Carbs


3.  Constipated on Keto

Our “Done For You” keto meal plans are completely customized based on your food prefences and weight loss goals.

   Start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet. 🙂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Some of you may experience constipation during the first days or weeks of starting keto. Here are the things you can do to combat constipation:

·         Drink more water – you might be dehydrated so water will help to soften things up.

·         Drink coffee/tea – helps in bowel movement

·         Eat more Vegetables – eating veggies gives you more fiber

·         Take Magnesium – magnesium is important on keto and is considered a laxative which would help smooth things.


4.   Keto Milk

Our “Done For You” keto meal plans are completely customized based on your food prefences and weight loss goals.

   Start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet. 🙂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
With these keto-friendly, unsweetened dairy-free options, you will never miss drinking milk anymore!

·         Almond Milk - 1-2g Net Carbs per 1 Cup Serving

·         Soy Milk - 2-4g Net Carbs per 1 Cup Serving

·         Cashew Milk - 1g Net Carbs 1 Cup per Serving

·         Hazelnut Milk - 2.5g Net Carbs per 1 Cup Serving

·         Coconut Milk - 7g Net Carbs per 1 Cup Serving


5. Keto Potato Salad

Our “Done For You” keto meal plans are completely customized based on your food prefences and weight loss goals.

   Start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet. 🙂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
A scrumptious salad recipe that is perfect for your lunch meal:

 Servings: 6


1 large cauliflowe
r¼ cup sour cream
½ cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons white vinegar
1 tablespoon mustard1 teaspoon celery seeds
¼ teaspoon salt
4 large hard-boiled eggs*
½ cup diced celery
1 teaspoon fresh dill
2 stalks green onions, thinly sliced



1.       Prepare the cauliflower by cutting the head into bite sized florets and steaming for 3-4 minutes or in a stovetop steamer until the cauliflower is only slightly tender. Set aside to cool.

2.       Make the dressing by whisking together sour cream, mayo, vinegar, mustard, celery seed, and salt.

3.       Mash the two reserved yolks into the cream mixture and whisk until very smooth.

4.       Add the cooled cauliflower, boiled eggs, celery, onion and dill. Stir to coat.

5.       Refrigerate for about 1 hour to allow the cauliflower to completely cool and the flavors to melt together. Garnish with green onion and serve cold!

          Nutritional Information (per serving):

Calories – 234

Protein – 7g

Fat – 19g

Net Carbs – 5g


6.  Keto Strawberry Milkshake

Our “Done For You” keto meal plans are completely customized based on your food prefences and weight loss goals.

 Start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet. 🙂⠀⠀

This Keto Strawberry Milkshake is definitely a chilling treat!

 Servings: 1


3/4 cup Coconut Milk

1/4 cup Heavy Cream

7 Ice Cubes

2 tbsp. Sugar-free Strawberry Torani

1 tbsp. MCT Oil

1/4 tsp. Xanthan Gum


1.     Add all ingredients to your blender.

2.     Blend everything together for 1-2 minutes or until the consistency is good for you.

3.     Pour out and enjoy!

Nutritional Information:

Calories – 368

Protein – 2g

Fat – 39g

Net Carbs – 2g


7.   Keto Tortillas

Our “Done For You” keto meal plans are completely customized based on your food prefences and weight loss goals.

   Start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet. 🙂⠀

These keto tortillas are definitely delicious and perfect to make quesadillas and tacos combined with your choice of meat and veggies.

 Servings: 10 tortillas


1 cup coconut flour
4 tablespoons psyllium husk powder
½ cup softened butter, coconut oil, or grass-fed lard
¼ teaspoons garlic powder
¼ teaspoons cumin
½ teaspoons red chili powder
2 cups hot broth or hot water


1.       Add all dry ingredients to a bowl. Mix well.
2. Add butter and/or coconut oil and mix thoroughly.
3. Pour hot broth into the bowl and stir with a spoon until the butter is melted and everything is well incorporated.
4. Roll dough into a log shape. Cut into 8 equal parts.
5. Grease a griddle, cast iron skillet, or frying pan lightly with butter or coconut oil, then heat to medium heat.
6. Shape each part into a ball. On a sheet of parchment paper, take each ball and roll out as well as you can. If necessary, use a piece of parchment paper on top of the dough, as well. If the dough tears, it is easily fixed. Just keep working with it. Your goal is to get it spread out evenly.
7. Grab a medium size pan lid, place it on top of the dough, twist, and lift. You will get perfectly round tortillas.
8. Lift the parchment paper and place the tortilla over your hand, peeling the paper off with your other hand.
9. Continue doing this until all of your dough is used. Don’t forget to use the excess dough to roll together for more tortillas.
10. Put into the hot griddle until the bottom begins to brown, then flip. Cook both sides until nice and browned, remove, and enjoy.
11. Use these to make quesadillas, tacos, and many other recipes!


Nutritional Information:

Calories – 132

Protein – 2g

Fat – 12g

Net Carbs – 2g



8.  The Best Keto Foods

Our “Done For You” keto meal plans are completely customized based on your food prefences and weight loss goals.

  Start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet. 🙂⠀⠀⠀Sharing with you the list of food that is great to be included always in your keto diet:

·         Fatty Meats – pork, bacon, salmon, chicken, ground beef, etc.

·         Low Carb Veggies -

·         Eggs – a staple on keto, good source of protein and healthy fats

·         Berries – there are a lot of good options and berries are certainly one of them.

·         High Fat Dairy – cheese, creams and butter

·         Oils – olive oil and MCT oil are just few of the good choices to use


9.   Keto Tomato Soup

Our “Done For You” keto meal plans are completely customized based on your food prefences and weight loss goals.

  Start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet. 🙂⠀

This keto tomato soup is a soup that will make you crave for more. Best served during cold-weather.

 Servings: 4


·         1 can tomato paste

·         1 cup heavy whipping cream

·         ¾ cup shredded Asiago cheese

·         ¼ cup water

·         1 teaspoon oregano

·         1 teaspoon minced garlic

·         Salt and pepper to taste


1.       Place your tomato paste, minced onion, and garlic into a pot. Turn on the heat to medium and pour in your cream.

2.       Bring to a boil while you whisk the mixture together.

3.       Once it’s boiling, add in your Asiago cheese little by little. It should start thickening up.

4.       Add in the water and cook for an additional 4-5 minutes.

5.       Serve and top with pepper. You can optimally add some green onions too.


Nutritional Information:

Calories – 301

Protein – 9g

Fat – 26g

Net Carbs – 9g

 10.   Keto Queso

Our “Done For You” keto meal plans are completely customized based on your food prefences and weight loss goals.

  Start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet. 🙂⠀⠀

Are you in love with cheese? Then this will absolutely be a dip that you will make over and over again! An amazing pair to nachos or crackers.

 Servings: 10


·         1 tablespoon butter

·         ½ small onion, chopped

·         6 whole pimento peppers

·         1 cup heavy whipping cream

·         1 teaspoon xanthan gum

·         ¾ cup shredded cheddar cheese

·         1 cup shredded Gruyere cheese



1.       In a pot, melt your butter.

2.       Add in your onions and sweet peppers, sauteing for 3-5 minutes.

3.       When the onions are clear, pour in your cream and stir.

4.       Whisk in your xanthan gum. If it doesn’t thicken too much, add in another teaspoon.

5.       Once your cream is thick and is bubbling, slowly stir in your cheddar cheese - one small handful at a time. Make sure it melts before adding more.

6.       Do the same thing with the Gruyere cheese, one small handful at a time.

7.       Add salt and pepper to taste.

8.       Serve with veggies, low-carb crackers, or throw on some low-carb nachos.

 Nutritional Information:

Calories – 151

Protein – 5g

Fat – 14g

Net Carbs – 2g


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Keto Diet

                                                                      If you’re looking to lose fat then you have to try this brand new cust...